Gödöllő, Hungary – Transnational Meeting 2, April 2017

Project Green Tour had their second meeting in Szent Istvan University, Hungary on the 27th/28th April 2017. The meeting had the presence of representatives of the five partners: Ecocenter Alapítvány (Hungary), Szent Istvan University (Hungary), European Center for Quality (Bulgaria), LUISS Guido Carli University (Italy) and AidLearn (Portugal).
The meeting was organised by Dr. Henrietta Nagy and Dr. Adrienn Varga-Nagy, the SZIU representatives who participated in the meeting and was directed by Györk Halász (Ecocenter Alapítvány) and Anna Molnár (Green Tour project coordinator).
During the meeting were presented the results from HU and BG related with IO1: Country Research; it was also presented and discussed the development Plan for O2: GREEN TOUR Training Material and O3: GREEN TOUR B-learning Tool. The Dissemination and Evaluation plans were updated and it was also debated the first report of the Green Tour project to be presented to the Hungarian National Agency.