Green Tour Final Conference
The Green Tour Project Final Conference was held in the Budapest Business School, on the 28th of January, where special guest Dr. Krisztián Egyed discussed the Strategy of Hungarian National Tourism.
The tendencies of tourism courses and the significance of green tourism in Hungarian higher education were addressed by Dr. Henrietta Nagy (SZIU), giving a clear idea of how the Hungarian educational system addresses the tourism thematic, with special emphasis on green tourism.
Representing the project coordinator was Anna Rendes (Ecocenter) who introduced the project globally, while the Green Tour platform and its functionality were presented by Nunzio Casalino (LUISS).
Good practices of Green Tourism in Portugal & Bulgaria were also explored during the conference, namely: the NaturTejo GeoPark and the Azores Trails in Portugal, presented by Eduardo Maia Fernandes (AidLearn) and the Azareya and Omaya Ecovillages and the Eco houses Ognyanovo in Bulgaria, presented by Admira Boshnyaku (ECQ).
The conference had a very good affluence with nearly 100 people in the audience.