Rome, Italy - Transnational Meeting 4, May 2018

Project Green Tour had their fourth meeting in LUISS Business School Rome, Italy, on the 28th and 29th of May 2018. The meeting had the presence of representatives of the five partners: Ecocenter Alapítvány (Hungary), Szent Istvan University (Hungary), European Center for Quality (Bulgaria), LUISS Guido Carli University (Italy) and AidLearn (Portugal).
The meeting was organised by Nunzio Casalino and Giuliana Pizzolo, the LUISS Guido Carli University representatives who participated in the meeting and was directed by Anna Rendes (Green Tour project coordinator).
During the meeting the comments of the Hungarian National Agency on the second interim report of the project were analyzed and discussed, as well as the development of the O2: GREEN TOUR Training Material, O3: GREEN TOUR B-learning Tool and O4 Thematic tours Booklet. Updates to the website were discussed as well as the dissemination activities. Financial management and quality management were also addressed at the meeting. The training of tutors & the piloting period’s tasks were discussed and the deadlines for the tasks to be developed were defined.